Having been a produce industry sales professional for many years, Monica DeLucia was open to a new challenge. While working at a trade show in early 2010, she was fascinated by the presence of a beautiful beagle in a booth across the aisle from hers. After speaking with the dog’s handlers and learning about their jobs, Monica knew that this was the new direction her career would take.

As a business traveler, Monica was aware of the growing bed bug problem and had even experienced bed bug bites on a trip. As a dog lover, she was certain that a dog would be a perfect partner.
Monica trained with her dog Casey at J & K Canine Academy and has been certified by the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association ( NESDCA) since 2010.
In 2012 Cali joined the Key K-9 team. Casey, Cali and Monica, along with handlers Jess and Joann are ready to help keep your environment safe and comfortable.